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Exclusive Release: Unleash Your Marketing Potential with Advanced GPTs – Limited Access!"

Guaranteed Only Until Midnight Tonight!









Before You Dive In: Discover the Cutting-Edge Tools Transforming Digital Marketing...

"Revolutionize Your Sales Copy: The Ultimate GPT Suite for Digital Marketers and Content Creators!"

Unleash a Torrent of Persuasive, High-Converting Content – with the Precision and Creativity of a Master Copywriter

Get Mike Filsaime's GPT's

See The GPT's In Action!

Video Timestamp, Table of contents:


» 00:00:05 - 00:03:07 — Dive into the world of Groove Digital with Mike Filsaime! Discover how to harness the power of GPTs for your business or personal use, and get an insider's look at Groove's extensive array of 35-40 GPTs.

» 00:03:07 - 00:06:04 — Unveil the secret behind Groove's white-labeled platforms, offering a sneak peek at the special pricing strategy and how you can leverage these tools to scale your business effectively.

» 00:06:04 - 00:09:15 — Get an exclusive glimpse into Groove's innovative shift, transitioning from free to premium models, and learn how existing lifetime members gain special access to groundbreaking apps.

» 00:09:15 - 00:12:26 — Explore the unique advantages of Groove GPTs over standard ChatGPT, including specialized settings for marketers and pre-built frameworks for various content types, enhancing your strategic output.

» 00:12:26 - 00:15:07 — Discover the simplicity of creating custom GPTs with Groove, where you can tailor-make GPTs to fit your specific business needs, from food scanners to personalized dietary apps.

» 00:20:35 - 00:23:27 — Witness the versatility of GPTs in action as Mike demonstrates real-time ingredient analysis, showcasing the personalized dietary insights tailored to individual preferences and needs.

» 00:23:27 - 00:26:21 — Discover how to revolutionize your diet with a customized GPT, creating detailed meal plans that align perfectly with your dietary goals, preferences, and restrictions.

» 00:26:21 - 00:29:37 — Explore the innovative NewsPod Assistant GPT, designed to empower podcast hosts with the latest, tailored news content, enhancing their episodes with relevant, up-to-date information.

» 00:29:37 - 00:32:28 — Dive into the realm of brand building with Groove's Brand Site Architect, leveraging GPTs to craft a comprehensive online presence, tailored to your brand's unique narrative and style.

» 00:32:28 - 00:35:47 — Learn how to expedite your brand's online strategy by utilizing the Brand Intake Form, a strategic tool that transforms your brand's core elements into a dynamic, interactive web experience.

» 00:40:18 - 00:43:07 — Uncover the power of Groove's Brand Site Architect, transforming your website vision into reality, block by block, with AI-driven guidance on design and content, making web development a breeze.

» 00:43:07 - 00:45:59 — Seize the opportunity with Groove GPTs! Access an exclusive suite of powerful GPTs tailored for your business needs, whether you've missed the Groove lifetime offer or seeking to enhance your digital toolbox.

» 00:45:59 - 00:48:13 — Step into the future of funnels with the Funnel Wizard GPT, ingeniously crafting your marketing funnels from scratch, ensuring each step is perfectly aligned with your business strategy.

» 00:48:13 - 00:50:43 — Revolutionize your content creation with Groove's Funnel Wizard, effortlessly designing tailored marketing funnels that resonate with your audience and convert with precision.

» 00:50:43 - 00:53:31 — Transform your webinar replays into engagement gold mines! Utilize the Webinar Replay Bullet Maker to extract captivating bullet points, ensuring your audience is hooked from start to finish.

» 01:00:24 - 01:03:24 — Transform your content creation process with the Long-Form Copy Generator, meticulously crafting detailed, compelling sales letters tailored precisely to your brand's unique value proposition and audience needs.

» 01:03:24 - 01:06:03 — Elevate your digital presence with Groove's innovative tools, allowing you to create comprehensive sales letters and video sales scripts that resonate with your target market, driving conversions and enhancing your brand's authority.

» 01:06:03 - 01:08:22 — Experience the future of digital marketing with Groove's AI-driven solutions, crafting long-form sales content that engages, persuades, and converts, ensuring your message is both powerful and effective.

» 01:08:22 - 01:10:22 — Unlock the full potential of your marketing campaigns with our AI-powered Long-Form Sales Letter Generator, designed to deliver persuasive, high-converting sales messages tailored to your business's unique offerings.

» 01:10:22 - 01:13:32 — Leverage the cutting-edge Video Sales Letter Creator, meticulously engineered to produce captivating video scripts that highlight your product's benefits, engage your audience, and drive meaningful conversions.Webinar Replay Bullet Maker

» 01:13:32 - 01:16:17 — Dive into the transformative world of Groove's GPTs, offering an unparalleled suite of tools that revolutionize how you create, polish, and present your marketing content, from video scripts to detailed sales narratives.

» 01:16:17 - 01:19:22 — Explore the genius of Ron Popeil's legendary sales techniques, adapted into a modern GPT format, allowing you to craft offers with the persuasive pull of a seasoned infomercial pro, all within the digital landscape.

» 01:19:22 - 01:22:31 — Unpack the secrets of infomercial success with a deep dive into the strategies of Ron Popeil, translated into actionable GPT outputs that empower you to replicate his compelling sales tactics in your online offers.

» 01:22:31 - 01:25:09 — Harness the iconic selling strategies of Ron Popeil, masterfully encoded into a GPT, ensuring your pitches, offers, and calls-to-action resonate profoundly, driving engagement and conversions in a way only true legends could inspire.

» 01:25:09 - 01:28:30 — Embrace the power of AI with Groove's Offer Craftsman Pro, ingeniously programming the art of the deal into a GPT that generates irresistible offers, seamlessly combining your unique selling points with time-tested sales psychology.

» 01:30:07 - 01:33:07 — Enhance your marketing arsenal with the Headline Hero Pro, ingeniously crafting attention-grabbing headlines that magnetize your audience, ensuring your content stands out in the crowded digital landscape.

» 01:33:07 - 01:36:08 — Experience the transformative power of the Sales Copy Cloner, a remarkable tool that adapts successful marketing messages into your unique brand voice, maintaining the persuasive essence while tailoring it to your specific offering.

» 01:36:08 - 01:39:10 — Dive into the art of persuasive writing with the Killer Email Copy GPT, expertly refining your email content to elevate engagement, enhance clarity, and drive your message home with unparalleled precision.

» 01:39:10 - 01:42:01 — Leverage the Snazzy Email Copy enhancement tool to rejuvenate your email marketing, ensuring every message you send out is polished, engaging, and meticulously designed to capture your audience’s attention.

» 01:42:01 - 01:45:02 — Transform your podcast promotions with the innovative Promote My Podcast GPT, crafting compelling emails and social posts that encapsulate the essence of your episodes, driving interest and boosting your listener base.

» 01:45:02 - 01:48:52 — Utilize the Better Bullets GPT to distill your extensive content into powerful, concise bullet points that highlight key benefits and features, perfect for enhancing landing pages, email campaigns, or product descriptions.

» 01:48:52 - 01:51:29 — Master the art of webinar creation with the Webinar Outline Wizard, effortlessly structuring your presentation to captivate audiences, deliver value, and drive action, all aligned seamlessly with your brand's messaging.

» 01:51:29 - 01:54:22 — Elevate your ad campaigns with the Facebook Ads Pro and YouTube Ads Pro tools, crafting targeted, engaging ad copy that resonates with your audience, maximizes reach, and optimizes conversion rates.

» 01:54:22 - 01:57:26 — Revolutionize your blog and SEO strategy with the Better Blog Post enhancer and SEO Keyword Wizard, ensuring your content is not only reader-friendly but also fine-tuned for search engine dominance.

» 01:57:26 - 02:00:07 — Harness the Viral Video Assist GPT to transform your video content into viral sensations, optimizing your titles, descriptions, and tags to appeal to both viewers and algorithms, significantly increasing your online visibility and engagement.

» 02:00:03 - 02:03:31 — Enhance your YouTube presence with the Viral Video Assist GPT, optimizing your video titles, descriptions, and tags for SEO, ensuring your content reaches a broader audience and ranks effectively in search results.

» 02:03:31 - 02:06:30 — Explore cutting-edge video editing AI tools like Opus and Munch AI, which streamline content creation, enabling you to produce engaging, concise video clips perfect for social media platforms and enhancing viewer engagement.

» 02:06:30 - 02:09:11 — Dive into the Shark Tank Pitch GPT, crafting compelling pitches that encapsulate your business's essence, ideal for captivating potential investors or creating impactful promotional content that resonates with your audience.

» 02:09:11 - 02:12:33 — Discover the flexibility of Groove's GPTs, offering a comprehensive suite for various content needs, whether you're enhancing your marketing, refining your pitches, or optimizing your online content for better engagement and reach.

» 02:12:33 - 02:15:15 — Wrap up the extensive showcase of Groove's GPTs, highlighting the seamless integration with ChatGPT Plus, offering a powerful toolkit for businesses to elevate their digital marketing, content creation, and overall online presence.

Groove GPT's Included These Apps

Explore our ChatGPT-powered Apps for Engaging and Intelligent Conversations

Landing Page and Brand Building Tools

Brand Site Architect

Assists in creating brand websites with detailed page, layout, and design suggestions.

Funnel Wizard Expert

I'm a wizard for creating bespoke marketing funnels.

Sales Copy and Formatting Tools

Long Form Copy Generator

A GPT that creates sales letter outlines and writes detailed sales copy.

Offer Craftsman Pro

Crafts personalized offers for sales letters and VSLs based on user's business info.

Copy Polisher

Crafts and critiques sales copy with direct response marketing principles.

Headline Hero Pro

Specialist in crafting marketing headlines and sales copy.

Sales Copy Cloner

I clone your sales copy line-by-line, adapting only the context.

Killer Email Copy

I refine email sales copy using direct response marketing principles for effectiveness.

Subject Line Hero Pro

Crafts email subject lines and snippets with urgency and variety.

Snazzy Looking Copy

Enhances sales and email copy with advanced formatting and style, without altering text and using WYSIWYG Markdown.

Better Bullets!

I create persuasive Direct Response Marketing Bullets to boost conversions.

Webinar Tools

Webinar Outline Wizard

Helps create webinar slides outlines based on user's business info.

Webinar Replay Bullet Maker

Creates teaser bullets with bold emphasis from webinar transcripts.

Advertising Creative Tools

FaceBook Ads Pro

Creates Facebook ads with design instructions & sales copy.

YouTube Ads Pro

I create YouTube Ad scripts based on your business document.

PPC Ads Wizard Pro

Expert in creating Google PPC ad copy, tailored to specific keywords and businesses.

SEO and Blogging

Better Blog Post

Rewrites blog posts for SEO, readability, and engagement, provides images and formatting.

SEO Keyword Wizard

SEO and keyword research expert, generating long-tail keyword ideas.

Image Assistant Tools

Storyboard Artist

Creates storyboard-style images for VSL texts.

Image Cloner and Reimaginer

Clone or Reimagine any image in a new style from a specific list!

Pixar Me

Transforms any photo into Pixar version!

Creator Tools

Viral Video Assistant

Efficiently optimizes YouTube content.

Viral Clip Maker

Expert at finding viral clips and shorts from video transcripts.

NewsPod Assistant

Interactive news curator for podcasts, offering tailored news reports.

Prompt Enhancer

I improve prompts to be more creative, detailed, and effective.

Shark Pitch Tank

Crafts Shark Tank pitches based on user's business info.

Elevator Pitch Perfect

Crafts elevator pitches from user-uploaded business documents.

Vision Mission Statement

Helps craft vision and mission statements for businesses.


Writing Style Analyzer

Analyzes text for tone, style, traits; provides concise prompt instructions.

Brand In A Box

Creates concise brand summaries from detailed brand intake forms.

Scene Creator

I break down sales letters into scenes, ensuring verbatim text in each.

Text Document Splitter

Splits long documents into sectioned .txt files based on page limits.

Doc Condenser

Condenses text documents to 50% of their size, retaining key ideas.

Seize the Deal: Transform Your Marketing Today!

Grab Your All-Access Pass to Marketing Mastery – Special Pricing Ends Soon!

35+ GPTS

Instantly Generate Killer Sales Letters – Watch as our GPTs craft compelling copy that grabs attention and doesn't let go, so you can finally see your conversion rates soar through the roof.

Create Email Campaigns that Actually Get Opened – Our tools analyze and produce subject lines that cut through the inbox clutter, meaning you'll finally reach your audience, not their spam folder.

Effortlessly Craft Blog Posts with SEO Superpowers – Tap into SEO-rich content that ranks and engages, so you can attract organic traffic like a magnet without spending hours on keyword research.

Transform Your Headlines into Click Magnets – Use our headline wizardry to turn casual browsers into avid readers, ensuring your message isn't just heard, but resonates loudly.

Master the Art of Persuasive Bullet Points – Craft bullets that hit like darts, making your value propositions irresistible, so your audience can't help but take action.

Elevate Your Webinars with Engaging Scripts – Command attention from start to finish with webinars that educate and convert, so you can finally enjoy the sound of 'cha-ching' during every session.

Ads That Don't Just Blend In – They Stand Out – Break through the ad fatigue with creative, eye-catching copy that turns scrolling into stops, clicks, and conversions.

Turn Your Offers from Meh to Irresistible – With our crafted sales copy, watch as your offers become no-brainers for your prospects, finally turning that 'maybe' into a resounding 'yes!'

VSLs That Captivate and Convert – Produce video sales letters that aren't just watched; they're acted upon, translating to a surge in your sales and a growing customer base.

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Guaranteed Only Until Midnight Tonight!